To All Of You - Syd Matters

今日推薦 Syd Matters - "To All of You"
Game:Life Is Strange .OST
遊戲步調緩慢,音樂輕柔配上頗有質感的畫面跟光影總能營造出很棒的感覺,而遊戲本身的設定與藝術設計也讓人沉醉,運用女主角Max的Rewind Power影響劇情,一點點地探尋抽絲剝繭找出謎團。

這個 "To All of You"就是為我們每個人所歌唱的American Dream。


To all of you American girls
It's sad to imagine a world without you
American girls
I'd like to be part of the world around you
Driving a car by the sea side
Watching the world from the bright side

To all of you American girls in the movies
No one can tell where your heart is
American girls like dollies
Which shines and smiles in plastic body

I wish I had American girlfriend

I cry sometimes walking around my own place
Wondering why she cry sometimes
Talking about her own place
Somewhere around the mountains
No one could dry her fountain
Till she got tired to complain

That's when I fly
To wild land to your land

Thank you so much.
You may not know how I treasure them.

悅耳/lili ✿




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